
People Sculptors

Leadership Development

Identify high potential talent, accelerate their development and ensure their continued success in the organization.

Did You Know?

High-potential (Hi-Pots) employees are almost twice as valuable to an organization and three times more likely to succeed as future leaders. It is imperative for organisations to identify HIPOs, accelerate their development, and evaluate and ensure their continued success in the organization.

But Organisations usually confuse Performance with Potential and are unable to clearly identify High Potential employees.

Systematic and Sustained

Moreover many organisations focus HIPO development as a sporadic programme. The need is to focus the programme on the capabilities required for future organizational success and needs of individual Hi-Pots. Another need is to demonstrate a credible organizational commitment to HIPO development and include leadership development experiences in Hi-Pots day-to-day jobs.


So, here's how we can help you

Define Potential

Develop a clear definition of potential as widely understood in the organization

Determine Potential Workforce

Identify  high potentials 

Ensure a diverse HIPO Pool

Ensure diversity of talent pool

Communicate HIPO Status

Informing the members about the status

Coach and mentor HIPOs

Use Leadership Coaching and Mentoring to develop the Hi Pots

Involve managers and senior leaders in HIPO development

Gain ownership for leadership development with the executive team

Contact us now!

Contact us today to learn how we could best suit your corporate needs. What’s more? Our first consultation is absolutely free!

Get in touch today!

Working hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00-18:30 Hrs